Meet the Advancement Team

 We are here to serve and each of us is eager to make a connection with you.

Erin Alvarado
Alumni Communications & Content Manager
(321) 674-6141

Erin oversees the Florida Tech Alumni social media accounts, Florida Tech Connect, email content creation, the website, and AlumNotes for Florida Tech Magazine. 她于2016年春季毕业于亚洲博彩平台,获得了工商管理-市场营销学士学位,此后一直活跃在Panther社区. In her spare time, you can find Erin reading, running, going to the movies with her husband (also a Florida Tech alum), binge-watching reality TV, and visiting her second home...Disney World!

Jessica Cartagena Assam
Assistant Director of Sponsorship Relations

杰西卡领导的倡议,以确保个人和企业赞助商的大学和筹款活动,同时提供专门的支持活动志愿者. 她与该大学密切合作,以促进亚洲博彩平台与社区之间的持久关系. 除了她的专业努力,杰西卡积极支持各种当地组织. 她对慈善事业的承诺凸显了她对积极影响社区的热情.

Stephanie Bacon
Major Gift Officer - COA & COPLA
(321) 674-7198

Since 2011, 斯蒂芬妮热情地吹捧亚洲博彩平台的进取文化,并为我们优秀的教师队伍辩护. 她努力让亚洲博彩平台的校友和朋友参与进来,以进一步推进亚洲博彩平台的使命. Depending on the day, this may be connecting an accomplished alumnus with a student, corporate partners with a community leader, or listening to their aspirations and intentions. 大多数情况下,你会发现斯蒂芬妮在厨房,假装打高尔夫球或园艺.

Daniel Blucker
Associate Director of Advancement Services
(321) 674-6142

Daniel领导先进服务团队将所有数据和礼品处理领域纳入亚洲博彩平台的捐赠数据库,同时确保所有财务交易与财务总监办公室保持一致. 此外,他还促进了进步与其他大学单位之间的伙伴关系.

Alyssa Carney
Admin III
(321) 674-6162

Alyssa provides administrative support to the Sr. 发展办公室副总裁,承担部门管理协调员的职责. 这包括确保所有的捐赠者都得到适当的认可和庆祝,这样系里的慈善事业就会增长. She earned a degree in business administration (’14) and her M.B.A. (’16) from Florida Tech. 阿丽莎在亚洲博彩平台就读时是啦啦队项目的一员.

Donna Cassario
Major Gift Officer - Parent Philanthropy
(321) 674-8424

Donna is a graduate and a parent, so naturally, she leads our parent programs, 与家长领导委员会合作,引领家长的奉献和参与. 

John Cornell
Director of Annual Giving
(321) 674-7506

约翰管理着一个多元化的学生慈善团队,这是一个不断发展的倡议,将校友与学生联系起来,并建立捐赠习惯,以提高参与率. He also directs our Day of Giving activities. 长期以来,他一直对高等教育、体育、艺术和现场音乐充满热情. Originally from Connecticut, John has lived up and down the East Coast, always gravitating to the water.

Shelley Johnson
Director of Development
(321) 431-0445

Shelley’s role is to engage with alumni, industry, the local community, and constituents connected to Florida Tech's College of Engineering & 科学和商业学院,以支持大学的使命和价值观. Originally, 她来自棕榈滩县,在印度大西洋生活了20多年,自2010年以来一直在亚洲博彩平台工作. When not serving as a vital ambassador for Florida Tech, she is often found on the golf course, tennis court, or boating with her family. 

Ameena Kero
Foundation Relations Officer
(201) 562-2218

Ameena的职业生涯始于高等教育,曾在美国大学的不同部门工作.S. and at the international level. As the Foundation Relations Officer of Advancement at Florida Tech, she searches for foundations and funding opportunities, writes proposals and grants for funding requests, 并协助院长和教师完成提案和提交独立提案,以获得资助机会.

Cassie Pericak
Vice President of Philanthropy
(321) 309-3124

Cassie Pericak于2023年7月非正式地加入了亚洲博彩平台的大家庭,她促进了大学的战略计划,目前担任慈善事业副总裁, overseeing the Office of Advancement. She has supported the nonprofit world since 2009, most recently, as a fundraising consultant and strategist. 她的工作使她在全国各地和教育部门工作, healthcare, faith, and social services. Cassie’s determination to help positively change our world, coupled with her educational and work experiences, 让她成为了反人口贩卖组织的董事会成员. In her free time, Cassie travels, visits friends and family, attends live music events and spoils her two cats.

Mary Ida Spradlin
Alumni Engagement Officer
(321) 674-6826

As an Alumni Engagement Officer, Mary Ida Spradlin利用她在市场营销方面的硕士学位和对高等教育的热情,通过创建建立持久联系的活动,与校友建立长期关系! 她自己也是亚洲博彩平台的校友,自2018年以来一直在这所大学工作. In her spare time, you can find her dancing away at a studio or spending time with her puppy, Persephone.

Zulfa Sultana
Annual Giving Manager
(321) 309-3071

祖尔法来自孟加拉国,她为自己是一个非常有抱负的人而自豪. 她获得了工商管理硕士学位,并于最近在CBERUK发表的研究论文被授予“一等奖获得者”. She might sound super-serious but she is a goofball at heart! Her sports car is her other half and she is obsessed with music. You can often find her humming lyrics to herself. In her spare time, she also loves to sing karaoke, cook, and dance. 作为一个精通多种语言的人,她对学习新的文化和语言充满热情.

Alaena Wade-Meadows
Senior Manager of Development Services
(321) 674-6205

Lanie makes sure that our constituent relations database plays nicely. 她为每个人提供他们需要的列表,并确保数据的完整性(这意味着准确性)。. She’s good with computers and people!  

Timothy Worzick
Advancement Services Coordinator
(321) 674-6211

Tim is our Advancement Services Coordinator. He manages our volunteerism programs for alumni, parents, and friends. In addition, 他负责监督捐赠者的管理工作,并协助创建Envoke的群发电子邮件和Classy活动. 你经常可以看到他用他最喜欢的地图工具将学生和校友模拟面试官配对.

Gina Yates
Assistant Vice President, Alumni Affairs
(321) 674-8428

吉娜和校友事务团队正在共同努力,加强我们的校友社区与大学和彼此之间的终身接触. Gina conceptualizes, implements, 并管理广泛的校友参与活动,以推进大学的使命. Working closely with the Advancement team, the Alumni Board, and university leadership, 她倡导该大学在潜在学生、公众和相关行业中提高对亚洲博彩平台的认识. 她的目标是增加积极参与的校友人数,并最大限度地发挥他们参与的影响力.

Joanne Zito
Director of Volunteer Engagement
(321) 674-6152

Joanne manages the College Advisory Boards, the President’s Circle, and other volunteer groups as appropriate. In this role, 她与每个学院的院长密切合作,并与主席和副主席协调总统圈活动. Volunteer engagement requires her to recruit members, manage meetings, 并通过社交聚会和活动提供社交机会,支持和认可大学发生的事情. A Florida Tech alumnus, Joanne has been with the university since 2018. 她喜欢在户外活动,烹饪,在业余时间招待她的家人和朋友.